More Academic Resources
PASS is a volunteer service that is run through the Faculty of Arts and Science to assist first-year students with the transition to university. Peer Advisors deal with frequently asked questions and concerns (scheduling, plan requirements, SOLUS, and selecting courses) during confidential, non-judgmental advising sessions.
Library Services
The Queen’s Library has opportunities for research assistance both in-person and online. Use the link above to book a consultation with a librarian if you need help getting started on, or completing, research for an essay or project! As well, try visiting the Learning Commons on the first floor of Stauffer Library which provides resources, workshops and seminars, and one-on-one professional consultations for students who want to enhance or develop skills.
Student Academic Support Services
SASS offers academic support to students who wish to develop their skills in critical thinking, reading, learning, studying, writing, and self-management. To book an appointment, visit their website above.
Queen’s Exam Bank
This service allows students to access past exams in PDF format for almost all courses. Please note that in order to access the exam bank, you must login to your NETID.
Arts and Science Academic Advising
The Faculty of Arts and Science offers academic advising for upper year students (non-first years) who do not qualify for PASS. To book an appointment with an advisor who can help with major/minor/medial plan requirements, visit the link below.
Concurrent Education Academic Advising
The Faculty of Education offers academic advising for Concurrent Education students in all years of study. If you have questions about teachable requirements, book an appointment using the link above.
Looking for an academic resource that is not present on this list? Contact Phoebe Rushton, CESA’s Academic Affairs Commissioner:
Instagram: @cesaacademics