Health & Wellness
Wellness Resource Binder
The Wellness Resource Binder is physically available in both the main, and west campus Con-Ed offices! Inside, find resources such as: Student Wellness, Anti-Stigma information, Bystander Prevention Info, LGBTQ+ Resources, and much more!
This exists to be a resource to Con-Ed students so feel free to access it/reference it whenever you would like! If you have any suggestions of resources to add to the wellness binder, please email
Queen’s Compass
Compass is Queen’s AMS’s newest holistic student life platform! The platform centralizes mental health and wellness support, as well as events happening all across campus - with the ability to favourite what is most relevant to you. Designed by students for students, Compass addresses your unique needs, wants and identity so you can live your best student life!
Accessibility Services
This service strives to support your successful transition to university and to foster an inclusive and equitable environment at Queen’s University.
Wellness Services
This service provides confidential, student-centered health care. Staff is made up of family physicians and registered nurses with a special interest in the health issues of students. Student Wellness Counselling Services offers professional short-term individual counselling geared to resolve personal difficulties, dealing with crises and distressing situations and assists students who need specialized mental health services or longer-term counselling support.
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Coordinator - Barb Lotan
If you or someone you know has been faced with sexual violence, Barb offers non-emergency support by helping you understand your options, assessing possible next steps and connecting you to services you wish to access.
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence - KGH
This is a resource for survivors and victims to access medical attention after an assault providing emergency medical and nursing care, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV and pregnancy, crisis counselling, forensic evidence collection, medical and social work follow up, and safety planning for victim of sexual assault or domestic violence.
Sexual Health Resource Centre
The Sexual Health Resource Centre is a confidential, non-judgmental, feminist, queer positive, pro choice, sex positive and non-hetero-sexist information and referral service.
Addiction & Mental Health Services KFLA
The AMHS-KFLA offers a 24 hour crisis line, mobile crisis service, and walk-in clinic. Services are free, confidential and are delivered in a respectful and non-judgmental manner run by mental health and addiction specialists.
Talk Helpline
The Telephone Aid Line Kingston is a phone line dedicated to serving the Kingston community and beyond, offering confidential non-judgement and anonymous listening service.
Resolve Counselling Services Canada
Programs and services that have been developed to support individuals overcome challenges that affect their emotional and social well-being. Each clinical counselor uses a counselling approach that is informed by current best practices.
Cross Cultural Counselor
The Cross - Cultural Counselor works with the QUIC to provide support and guidance for international students. They assist with issues related to cultural adaptation, provide information sessions and offer one-on-one counselling. Appointments can be made calling the cross-cultural counselor.