8.01 Budget
8.01.01 The Association shall be supported through the payment of a specific fee by its members and through the collection of other such revenues as may properly accrue to the Association.
8.01.02 The Treasurer shall ensure the monies of the Association are deposited into the respective account and that such transactions are accurately recorded.
8.01.03 The Treasurer shall prepare and present a budget report to Council at the beginning of the fall term, and at the last meeting of each academic term.
8.02 CESA Specific Fee
8.02.01 The fee shall be established by a majority vote of Association members at an Annual General Meeting, Special General meeting or by referendum.
8.02.02 The Council shall review the fee at least every three (3) years.
(a) The next mandatory reassessment shall be at the first meeting in the winter term of 2016.
8.02.03 The fee amount shall be $30.00.
8.02.04 The membership fees shall be collected by the Alma Mater Society on behalf of the Association.
8.03 Honoraria
8.03.01 The Executive shall each receive an honorarium of $1000.00 to be presented at the Annual General Meeting, pending the financial stability of the Association.
8.03.02 The Executive Administrator shall receive an honorarium of $1000.00 to be presented at the Annual General Meeting, pending the financial stability of the Association.
8.03.03 Any CESA member receiving an honorarium must be holding their position at the time of presentation.
8.04 Bursary
8.04.01 The Treasurer and the President shall, under the advisement of the Bursary Committee Chair(s), determine the amount of money allotted to the bursary program for the academic year.
8.04.02 The bursary program shall be allotted a minimum of $1,500 per year pending the financial stability of the Association.
8.05 B.Edder4U Fund
8.05.01 The B.Edder4U Fund shall be dedicated to each graduating year’s gift to the Faculty.
8.05.02 The B.Edder4U Fund shall be an accumulation of all the funds raised by each team of year representatives during their respective initiatives.
(a) The Treasurer shall track each year’s individual total.
8.05.03 Any surplus amount left by a graduating year shall remain in the fund and may be drawn upon by future graduating years if needed.
8.05.04 Notwithstanding section 8.05.01, should the Association require additional funds for an initiative, the Association may draw upon any surplus funds.
(a) Any initiative that draws upon surplus must benefit the members of the Association as a whole.