5.01 Duties of the Conference Chair

5.01.01 The Conference Chair shall:

(a) be a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend all meetings of the Council,

(b) work with the Vice President (External) and the Conference Executive to plan, organize and facilitate the Queen’s Conference on Education,

(c) chair Conference Executive meetings,

(d) act as the key liaison between the CESA Executive, Conference Executive, AMS Clubs Manager, and Faculty of Education,

(e) participate in the selection of the incoming Conference Executive,

(f) coordinate all volunteers for the Conference weekend,

(g) in conjunction with Director of Marketing, maintain communication with Councils and Faculties of Education of participating external universities,

(h) billeting accommodations for all external delegates,

(i) act as the official contact person for Conference delegates,

(j) organize delegate registration,

(k) place delegates in workshops and prepare certificates of completion for Conference delegates in conjunction with Director of Logistics,

(l) prepare the welcome packages,

(m) provide support and guidance to all members of the Conference Executive,

(n) perform any duties that do not directly fall under the job descriptions of   Director of Special Events, Director of Logistics, Director of Marketing, Director of Sponsorship or Director of Finance,

(o) have co-signing authority on the Conference bank account with the Director of Finance.

(p) have monthly meetings with each member of the directors individually.


5.02 Duties of the Director of Special Events

5.02.01 The Director of Special Events shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) attend all Conference Executive meetings,

(c) coordinate all social events for the Conference weekend, including the banquet and/or Friday Night Social and/or icebreaker activities,

(d) ensure all social events abide by AMS insurance policy,

i) Fill out an AMS sanctioning form.

ii) Seek approval from Queen’s Student Constables, Queen’s First Aid, and the AMS Vice President (Operations) for appropriate events in conjunction with the Conference Chair

(e) coordinate all pre-Conference social events, including fundraisers to raise funds for the Conference,

(f) coordinate all meals and snacks for the Conference in conjunction with the Director of Sponsorship

(g) provide support to other members of the Conference Executive as required, on the advice of the Conference Chair.


5.03 Duties of the Director of Logistics

5.03.01 The Director of Logistics shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) attend all Conference Executive meetings,

(c) book and organize all workshop and keynote speakers,

(d) arrange hotel or billeting accommodations for applicable speakers,

(e) coordinate tokens of appreciation, charitable donations or otherwise, for all Conference speakers,

(f) book any equipment and venues required for the Conference weekend,

(g) assist Conference Chair in the preparation and distribution of certificates of completion for conference delegates,

(h) provide support to other members of the Conference Executive as required, on the advice of the Conference Chair.

(i) assume the role of the Conference Chair in the absence.


5.04 Duties of the Director of Finance

5.04.01 The Director of Finance shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) attend all Conference Executive meetings,

(c) apply for applicable grants,

(d) will provide large scale supporters with post-Conference updates and final budget, in conjunction with the Conference Chair, and Director of Sponsorship

(e) coordinate the re-establishment of the Queen’s Conference on Education AMS fee subject to individual opt out when it is time for the question to be put on the ballot for the referendum,

(f) have co-signing authority on the Conference bank account with the Conference Chair

(g) be responsible for all Conference finances,

i) create a preliminary budget in April based on previous years’ finances

ii) update the budget on an ongoing basis

iii) provide support to the Conference Chair during delegate registration

iv) present a final budget to the Conference Executive following the completion of Conference and payment of all outstanding fees

(h) communicate with the Director of Sponsorship to appropriately update the budget in relation to monetary donations from sponsors,

(i) distribute charitable donation on behalf of conference speakers,

(j) provide support to other members of the Conference Executive as required and on the advice of the Conference Chair.


5.05 Duties of the Director of Marketing

5.05.01 The Director of Marketing shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) attend all Conference Executive meetings,

(c) advertise the Conference internally for both Concurrent Education and other Queen's students,

(d) advertise the Conference externally at other Ontario universities, in conjunction with the Conference Chair,

(e) develop all Conference publications, including the website (in conjunction with the IT Administrator when necessary) and any additional multimedia,

(f) coordinate Conference Executive Clothing,

(g) create and collect evaluation forms for the Conference weekend to be completed by all speakers and delegates in attendance,

i) review the evaluations and relay the information to the Conference Executive

(h) organize and purchase all Conference products, including materials for the welcome packages,

(i) provide support to other members of the Conference Executive as required and on the advice of the Conference Chair.


5.06 Duties of the Director of Sponsorship

5.06.01 The Director of Sponsorship shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) attend all Conference Executive meetings,

(c) draft an up-to-date sponsorship package and communicate with potential supporters for monetary and product donations in conjunction with the Office of Advancement,

(d) focus on implementing new and innovative strategies to acquire new sponsorship,

(e) contact and engage relevant local and corporate sponsors to build new relationships while reiterating sponsorship value to existing ties,

(f) engage sponsors leading up to and during the conference, manage sponsor representation in conjunction with Director of Marketing

(g) will provide large scale supporters with post-Conference updates and final budget, in conjunction with the Conference Chair and Director of Finance,

(h) communicate with internal Departments at Queen’s for donations,

(i) communicate with the Director of Finance to ensure monetary donations are reflected in the budget,

(j) coordinate all meals and snacks for the Conference in conjunction with the Director of Special Events

(i) provide support to other members of the Conference Executive as required and on the advice of the Conference Chair.