4.01 Duties of the Equity Outreach Coordinator

4.01.01 The Equity Outreach Coordinator shall,

(a) Not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by one (1) member of the Association,

(c) ensure two (2) equity outreach initiatives are run per term, with exception by (d) ensure that first priority for all workshops is given to Association members and if spots are still available, they may be opened up to the general public

(e) be required to maintain contact with the Equity Affairs Commissioner on a biweekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns

(f) Chair the Equity Outreach Committee that assists in the undertaking of equity- based projects throughout the year

i) The type of application for the Equity Affairs Committee is up to the discretion of the Director with approval from the Executive Administrator prior to distribution to Association members

(g) Act as a resource to all Members of the Association with regards to matters of equity

(h) Maintain a display in the Con-Ed Office with the Equity Affairs Commissioner in order to keep Association members informed about resources in the community,

(i) Maintain and manage Equity Resource Binder while upholding a thorough knowledge of its contents,

(j) Serve to foster an environment that nurtures and supports the work and volunteering of all students and promotes awareness on issues related to human rights and social justice.

4.01.02 An equity outreach initiative must,

(a) Educate and create awareness about a topic or issue related to equity, including but not limited to gender/sexual identity, learning exceptionalities, race and ethnicity.

(b) Be open and financially accessible to all Con-Ed students

i) Effort must be made to keep equity outreach initiatives free for participants


4.02 Duties of the Treasurer

4.02.01 The Treasurer shall:

(a) be a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend all Council meetings,

(b) be responsible for the finances of the Association in conjunction with the President,

(c) survey all members of the Council for projected expenditures and formulate a budget by the end of the third week of the fall term,

(d) report all financial transactions to the Council at the culmination of each term,

(e) keep accurate records of all receipts,

(f) co-sign all Association cheques with the President,

(g) sit on the Bursary Committee,

(h) distribute bursary funds.

4.03 Duties of the Marketing and Design Director

4.03.01 The Marketing and Design Director shall:

(a) be a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend all Council meetings,

(b) be a position held by one (1) member of the Association,

(c) report to the Vice President (Internal),

(d) manage the Association’s online presence and content output:

i) run the Association’s Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts, including the CESA website homepage and events calendar

ii) liaise with all Council and Extended Council members to coordinate marketing strategies,

iii) develop and implement strategies for gauging the exposure and effectiveness of the Association’s marketing.

(e) hire the Merchandise Coordinator, IT Administrator, Brand Coordinator, Photography Coordinators, and Video Coordinators with the Executive,

(f) oversee the activities of the Merchandise Coordinator, IT Administrator, Photography Coordinators, and Video Coordinators,

(g) represent the Merchandise Coordinator, IT Administrator, Photography Coordinators, and Video Coordinators on Council, and should it be deemed necessary, advise them to attend a Council meeting,

(h) maintain bi-weekly contact with the Merchandise Coordinator, IT Administrator, Photography Coordinators, and Video Coordinators,

(i) act as a resource for the Merchandise Coordinator, IT Administrator, Photography Coordinators, and Video Coordinators to ensure the successful execution of their tasks,

(j) report to the Merchandise Coordinator, IT Administrator, Photography Coordinators, and Video Coordinators event dates, concerns, and other pertinent information as discussed in Council,

(k) hold internal reviews at the end of the Fall semester with the IT  Administrator, Photography Coordinators, and Video Coordinators,

(l) Act as a mentor and work with their First Year Intern.

4.04 Duties of the Events Director

4.04.01 The Events Director shall:

(a) be a non-voting member of council and is required to attend of all Council meetings,

(b) be a position held by one (1) member of the Association,

(c) report to the Vice President (External),

(d) approve actions of the Workshop Coordinators, Community Affairs Coordinators, Social Affairs Coordinators, and Outreach Coordinators, but the Vice President (External) has the power to veto the decisions made by the Events Director if deemed necessary,

(e) hire the Workshop Coordinators, Community Affairs Coordinators, Social Affairs Coordinators, and Outreach Coordinators with the Executive,

(f) oversee the activities of the Workshop Coordinators, Community Affair Coordinators, Social Affairs Coordinators, Outreach Coordinators and the Athletic Coordinators,

(g) represent the Workshop Coordinators, Community Affairs Coordinators, Social Affairs Coordinators, and Outreach Coordinators on Council, and should it be deemed necessary, advise them to attend a Council meeting,

(h) attend sub-committee meetings and maintain bi-weekly contact with the Workshop Coordinators, Community Affairs Coordinators, Social Affairs Coordinators, and Outreach Coordinators

(i) act as a resource for the Workshop Coordinators, Community Affairs Coordinators, Social Affairs Coordinators, and Outreach Coordinators to ensure the successful execution of their tasks,

(j) report to Workshop Coordinators, Community Affairs Coordinators, Social Affairs Coordinators and Outreach Coordinators event dates, concerns, and other pertinent information as discussed in Council,

(k) hold internal reviews at the end of the Fall semester with the Workshop Coordinators, Community Affairs Coordinators, and Social Affairs Coordinators, and Outreach Coordinators

(l) coordinate a mid-year review of the Community Affairs Coordinators and Social Affairs Coordinators by the members of the Volunteer Initiatives Committee and Social Committee respectively,

4.05 Duties of the Academic Affairs Commissioner

4.05.01 The Academic Affairs Commissioner shall:

(a) be a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend all Council meetings,

(b) act as a liaison between the Association and the Academics representatives of other faculties and AMS Academic Caucus,

(c) act as a resource to all members of the Association with regard to academic matters of the University and Concurrent Education,

i) This includes understanding and advocating on behalf of all Con-Ed streams and programs (i.e. Arts, Science, Music, Fine Arts, Computing)

(d) attend the meetings of the Undergraduate Programs, Admissions, and Awards Committee of the Faculty of Education’s Faculty Board and the general meetings of the Faculty of Education's Faculty Board,

(e) work with the President and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in the Faculty of Education, to evaluate student satisfaction with the Concurrent Education program,

(f) generate feedback on the quality of undergraduate education courses,

(g) hold a minimum of two (2) academic-related discussions at CESA Council to gauge student perspectives on academic issues,

(h) work in conjunction with the IT Administrator to maintain an online page on the Association website with pertinent news, information, and resources that is to be updated regularly, 

(i) provide a minimum of one (1) review session during each exam period for a first year course which is at their discretion,

(j) organize an academic outreach initiative to promote academic advocacy within the local and/or global community.

(k) represent CESA at the Library Advisory Meeting


4.06 Duties of the Equity Affairs Commissioner

4.06.01 The Equity Affairs Commissioner shall:

(a) Be a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend all Council meetings,

(b) be a position held by one (1) member of the Association,

(c) report to the President,

(d) chair the Bursary Committee,

(e) act as a resource to all Members of the Association with regards to matters of equity,

(f) maintain a display in the Con-Ed Office with the Equity Outreach Director in order to keep Association members informed about resources in the community,

(g) maintain and manage Equity Resource Binder while upholding a thorough knowledge of its contents

(h) attend AMS Equity Caucus meetings as representatives of CESA,

(i) be responsible for the Anti Oppression training and Positive Space training of Con-Ed’s leadership position holders at the beginning of Fall term, in conjunction with the President,

i) The use of the Positive Space sticker will only be used if training attendees of that year vote unanimously on the placing of the sticker on the Con-Ed Office door,

(j) advise on appropriate steps to resolve a harassment or discrimination issue involving CESA,

(k) refer members to appropriate sources of support outside of CESA if desired, and offer peer support to those approaching an outside organization,

(l) advise on the suitability of content, language etc. for publicity materials, internal communication, or any source of related concern,

(m) serve to foster an environment that nurtures and supports the work and volunteering of all students and promotes awareness on issues related to human rights and social justice.

(n) Be required to maintain contact with the Equity Outreach Director on a biweekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns,

(o) represent the Equity Outreach Coordinator on Council, and should it be deemed necessary, advise them to addend a Council meeting.


4.07 Duties of the Community Affairs Coordinator(s)

4.07.01 The Community Affairs Coordinator(s) shall:

(a) not be a member/members of Council but is/are to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by one (1) or two (2) members of the Association,

(c) be responsible for planning and executing a wide range of initiatives throughout the school year that raise funds and/or awareness to support various charitable organizations and their causes

i) with a suggested target of one initiative per month, in months that do not include the planning and execution of pre-determined events

(d) organize and run the Annual Charity Pancake Breakfast which shall be held on a weekend before the end of September,

(e) organize and run the Community Dinner which shall be held on a weekend in either the Fall or Winter term

(f) chair the Community Affairs Committee (CommComm) that assists in the undertaking of charitable and community building projects throughout the year,

i) the type of application for the Community Affairs Committee (CommComm) is up to the discretion of the Coordinator(s) with approval from the Executive Administrator prior to distribution to Association members,

(g) maintain contact with the Events Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns, 

(h) email Events Director an update on current and upcoming events and their status by 12:00 pm on the Thursday before a CESA meeting.

(i) be responsible for facilitating participation in the Queen’s Relay for Life event in the Winter term by organizing a Con-Ed Relay for Life team and organizing one fundraiser for the event (e.g. Pie in the Face)


4.08 Duties of the Social Affairs Coordinators

4.08.01 The Social Affairs Coordinators shall:

(a) not be members of Council but are to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by two (2) members of the Association,

(c) organize a range of social events, including, but not limited to

i) Back To School Smokers/End of Term Snowker,

ii) Coffeehouses,

iii) the Annual Concurrent Education Formal,

(d) ensure that all events are accessible to all Association members,

(e) chair the Social Committee to assist in the planning and implementation of all Association social events, including the Annual Concurrent Education Formal

i) the type of application for the Social Committee is up to the discretion of the Coordinators with approval from the Executive Administrator prior to distribution to Association members,

(f) be required to maintain contact with the Events Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns,

(g) email Events Director an update on current and upcoming events and their status by 12 noon on the Thursday before a CESA meeting.


4.09 Duties of the Athletic Coordinators

4.09.01 The Athletic Coordinators shall:

(a) not be members of Council but are to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by two (2) members of the Association,

(c) be responsible for organizing and promoting intramural activities among Association members,

(d) coordinate Intramural sign-up night at the beginning of fall term, 

(e) determine the recipient(s) of the Intramural Awards, Rookie of the Year Awards, and Athlete of the Month recognition,

(f) be required to maintain contact with the VP Internal on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns,

(g) be responsible for creating and overseeing the activities of the Athletics Committee, at their own discretion.


4.10 Duties of the IT Administrator

4.10.01 The IT Administrator shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual, 

(b) be responsible for the Association website found at www.queenscesa.com

(c) be responsible for an Association Twitter account, maintenance and updating of their Association Facebook page, and updating the CESA website homepage and events calendar in conjunction with the Marketing and Design Director

(d) update the website on a weekly basis or as requested by other members of the Council, 

(e) be required to maintain contact with the Marketing and Design Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns, 

(f) be required to attend monthly Information Services and Technology Student Advisory Committee meetings to represent the voice of CESA and raise any concerns, questions and suggestions on CESA’s behalf,

(g) communicate with the AMS IT Office to maintain the CESA email accounts,

(h) update and maintain the Conference website in conjunction with the QCE Director of Marketing,

(i) update and maintain the Orientation website in conjunction with the Logistics Teach,

(j) be responsible for updating the association documents on the association website in conjunction with the Council Clerks and Executive Administrator, within 48 hours of a Council meeting.


4.11 Duties of the Workshop Coordinator(s)

4.11.01 The Workshop Coordinator(s) shall:

(a) not be a member/members of Council but is/are to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by one (1) or two (2) Association members,

(c) organize at least two (2) workshops either the Fall or Winter term that provide Association members with opportunities for professional development related to the field of education, that may offer certification,

(d) organize an education speaker series either the Fall or Winter term, which includes a full day of professional development related to the field of education which may be but not limited to workshops

(e) determine the number of workshops in consultation with the Events Director,

(f) ensure that first priority for all workshops is given to Association members and if spots are still available, they may be opened up to the general public,

(g) act as a resource to the Conference Executive,

(h) be required to maintain contact with the Events Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns.


4.13 Duties of the Photography Coordinator(s)

4.13.01 The Photography Coordinator(s) shall:

(a) not be members of Council but are to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by one (1) or two (2) Association members,

(c) ensure the presence of a photographer at all CESA events,

(d) make all photos available to the Association through an online medium in consultation with the IT administrator,

(e) ensure that all photos released have a watermark of the CESA logo,

(f) form the Photography Committee at their own discretion, and oversee its members,

(g) produce the slideshow to be presented at Con-Ed Formal,

(h) be required to maintain contact with the Marketing and Design Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns,

(i) be responsible for the Association camera, its distribution amongst the Photography Committee and general whereabouts at all times,

(j) be responsible for updating and maintaining the Association Instagram account on a weekly basis with Association events, promotions, etc.

4.14 Duties of the Council Clerk(s) 

4.14.01 The Council Clerk shall:

(a) be a non-voting member/members of Council and is/are required to attend all meetings of the Council,

(b) be a position held by one (1) or two (2) members of the Association, with one position being reserved for Fall hiring,

(c) record the “minutes of the meeting” for all Council meetings, Annual General Meetings, or Special General Meetings,

(d) be required to send the “minutes of the meeting” to the Executive Administrator a maximum one week after the date the meeting occurs,

(e) maintain all Association documents without prior Council approval by making non-substantive changes (e.g. grammar, spelling), and to inform Council of these changes, in conjunction with the Executive Administrator,

(e) in conjunction with the IT Administrator, be responsible for updating Association documents on the Association website within 48 hours of a Council meeting, pending approval by the Executive Administrator,

(f) in conjunction with the Executive Administrator, be responsible for setting up the Council meetings.


4.15 Duties of the First Year Intern(s)

4.15.01 The First Year Intern(s) to the Executive shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual, 

(b) be a position held by up to three (3) First Year Association members,

(c) be assigned a Member of the Executive to work with by the hiring panel

(d) discuss with their Associate Member of the Executive what the role will entail for their term, the role includes but is not limited to,

i) assisting with initiatives of the Executive

ii) assisting with daily operations of the Association (e.g. administrative duties, Council meetings, Council meeting preparation)

iii) support initiatives under the umbrella of their Associate Member of the Executive

(e) learn from their associate member of the  Executive how the Association is run.

(f) facilitate at least one (1) collaborative initiative between all the First Year Interns

4.15.02 The First Year Intern to the Executive Administrator Shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by one(1) First Year Association member,

(c) be assigned to the Executive Administrator to work with,

(d) discuss with the Executive Administrator what the role will entail for their term, the role includes but is not limited to,

i) assisting in putting together the Agenda and/or Minutes for Council meetings,

            ii) assisting in decorating and maintaining the Con-Ed office,

            iii) assisting with daily operations of the Association (e.g administrative duties, Council meetings, Council meeting preparation)

(e) learn form the Executive Administrator how the Association is run.

4.15.03 The First Year Intern to the Marketing and Design Director shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but is to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by one (1) First Year Association member.

(c) be assigned to the Marketing and Design Director to work with.

(d) discuss with the Marketing and Design Director what the role will entail for their term, the role includes but is not limited to:

i) assisting with initiatives of the Marketing and Design Director:

             ii) Assist with the social media platforms of the Concurrent Education Students’ Association.

             iii) Assist with designing graphics for the Concurrent Education Students’ Association with help from the Marketing and Design Director.

iv) Working with the other first year interns to create a few events throughout the year.


4.17 Duties of the Outreach Coordinators

4.17.01 The Outreach Coordinators shall:

(a) be members of Extended Council and be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by two (2) members of the Association,

(c) plan and facilitate a homecoming event for Queen’s Education alumni, including Concurrent and Consecutive Queen’s and Trent-Queen’s alumni,

(d) engage current Concurrent students in the planned event,

(e) collaborate with the Alumni Relations Office to set up event registration, volunteer training, advertising to alumni, and confirm event feasibility within the scope of Queen’s Homecoming weekend,

(f) attend Homecoming Planning: Students & Alumni Connecting meetings,

(g) collaborate with the Faculty of Education Events Coordinator,

(h) establish a volunteer base and ensure volunteers attend Queen’s homecoming training,

(i) act as principle contact of event inquiries,

(j) contact Event Services for food, beverage and room booking as necessary,

(k) hire Stucons as necessary,

(l) be required to maintain contact with the Events Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns.

(m) be responsible for maintaining accurate records and contact information for all of the Association’s Alumni Representatives.

(n) facilitate the planning and execution of least (1) fundraiser in the winter semester for an event under the events umbrella

(o) act as a resource for members of council and extended council regarding fundraising and sponsorship


4.18 Duties of the Merchandise Coordinator

4.18.01 The Merchandise Coordinator shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but are to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) coordinate the sale of jacket bars and regular merchandise in the Office,

i) frosh groups bars, P/J bars, and I/S bars should be in stock at all times

(c) determine the design and selection of Con-Ed Clothing with the Third Year Representatives,

(d) coordinate the sale of year jacket bars by the end of the winter semester,

(e) introduce limited-run merchandise sales,

(f) report inventory of bars and merchandise in the Office to the Marketing and Design Director before and after the Sidewalk Sale and at the end of the fall and winter semesters,

(g) be required to maintain contact with the Marketing and Design Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns,

(h) be required to keep merchandise on the iPad up to date with the inventory,

(i) coordinate the selling of Con-Ed vegan and leather jackets with ASUS.

(j) be responsible for organizing a merch sale at the CESA Pizza Lunch during Orientation Week

4.19 Duties of the Sustainability Commissioner

4.19.01 The Sustainability Commissioner shall:

(a) Be a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend all Council meetings,

(b) Be a position held by one (1) member of the Association,

(c) Report to the President,

(d) Act as a resource to all Members of the Association to encourage sustainability in Association activities,

(e) Be responsible for Sustainability training of Con-Ed’s leadership positions holders at the beginning of Fall term,

(f) In conjunction with the President and Executive Administer, maintain the sustainability of the Con-Ed Office,

(g) Hold a minimum of one (1) sustainability event each term,

(h) Promote and provide resources and opportunities to sustainability initiatives in the AMS, ASUS, Queen’s University, and Kingston Community,

(i) Act as a liaison between the Association and the Queen’s Sustainability Caucus.


4.20 Duties of the Video Coordinators

4.20.01 The Video Coordinators shall:

(a) not be a member of Council but are to be held accountable to Council under the requirements described by the Job Description Policy Manual,

(b) be a position held by one (1) or two (2) members of the Association,

(c) report to the Marketing and Design Director,

(d) ensure the presence of a videographer at all CESA events,

(e) produce a video at the end of all main CESA events,

            i) main events include: QCE, Con-Ed Camp, Orientation Week, Buddy Picnic, Con-Ed Week (first week of January),

(f) be required to maintain contact with the Marketing and Design Director on a bi-weekly basis in order to discuss current and potential initiatives and concerns

(g) be responsible for the Association’s video camera, it's distribution amongst the Media Committee and general whereabouts at all times,

(h) be responsible for sending the edited videos to the Marketing and Design Director as they are responsible for posting the edited content to social media,

(i) produce a video of highlights throughout the year (a condensed video of all events) presented at formal and posted on social media.