Neil Yorke-Slader


Queen's class of 1981, I/S Music/Drama.  Subsequently (1987) earned M. Ed at U. of Ottawa


What they did with their degree:

Now retired elementary and secondary music educator/Principal/Superintendent.  Currently Associate Director of MusicFest Canada, and still director of the Nepean All-City Jazz Band


Piece of Advice:

The only overarching advice I would give is to follow your instincts.  It was a huge decision to give up all my seniority and leave elementary teaching for high school teaching, but ultimately it was the opening of a whole new door and set of experiences.  I gave up my Department Headship at a large high school Music program to go to another school with a much smaller music program, but ultimately had some of the most rewarding experiences building that program.  It was a huge decision to leave music teaching (which I absolutely loved) to become a vice-principal, but the sense of reward I ultimately discovered as a school and system administrator was profound.  If you don’t follow your heart, you will always wonder “what if”.  It doesn’t mean that all your experiences will be good ones, but you will always be able to tell yourself that you chose them.