Kita Szpak


I graduated in 1976 when my teachable was predicated on a K-12 spectrum.


What they did with their degree:

Though my major was German with additional courses in French, history, philosophy and English, I taught everything from Phys Ed to science, from religion to computers and marketing with a gambit of students from Kindergarten to the OA level (I preferred older students) for eight years. Upon having my own family, I opted to move into the area of public relations which eventually morphed into my own business of marketing communications with a focus on writing and publicity. 

I have not forgotten students in the process. My research into happiness and well-being has resulted in two published books and an academic paper exploring the premise that happy students are more successful students.


Piece of Advice:

When I was teaching, I knew I was making an impact on students in my classroom, however, I did not realize until the last few years how profound an impact a teacher can make on a student. This goes beyond the purely academic into the realm of character building where your teacher presence allows each individual student to grow into themselves. Truly amazing and humbling at the same time…